Surfside Realty Draft Form



The Surfside Realty Draft Authorization form has been loaded to the website under Resources.  The mailing, email or fax information is on the top part of the form.  Debbie Adams is the representative from Surfside who should receive the completed form.

As Tom mentioned in his email the account number is your house number plus HL for Huntington Lake Circle or CC for Courtyard  Circle.  An example is 215HL.

HLV 2023 HOA Fees

Attached is the approved budget that was voted on by the board yesterday. Our goal is to keep you informed with all the transparency we can and in a timely manner.

The board has kept the monthly assessments, and therefore the annual income, the same for HLV in 2023. We will operate within our means the best that we know how. Just like any other small business we will make the decisions we need to, staying within our means. The increase to your cash payments monthly will be because of the escrow accounts we established in 2021. These trash and cable escrows will increase for 2023, not the monthly assessments for our HOA. Remember that your monthly cash payment is comprised of two amounts: the monthly assessment and the escrow amount. In 2023 will be the third year for this method of payment.

I normally would wait until later in the year to prepare a budget and have more of this year behind us to see where we stand. However, in the past 20 months we have been able to stick to within our means, and also we wanted to get this completed before the transition to a new managing agent begins.

The key financial changes for the 2023 budget are: we reduced the amount funding the operating reserve by $10,000 for the year, and we increased the amount funding the major replacement reserve by the same $10,000 for the year. The funding of the monthly amount into the temporary roof reserve will stay at the 2021 and 2022 levels again in 2023.

This the third year in a row that the monthly assessments have remained the same for both the one car garage and the two car garage homes. We have no idea if it can happen again, so please do not expect it.

2023 Payments

One car garage homes:   monthly assessment $392

monthly escrow        $ 63

total monthly cash payment  $455

Two car garage homes:   monthly assessment $490

monthly escrow       $  63

total monthly cash payment  $553

Please remember that these are the amounts that become effective as of the January 1st 2023 payment, not before.

I have attached the 2023 annual budget for your information. If you have any questions please reach out to me.

Tom Duerr



HLV Board of Directors Election

HLV Owners: The terms of Tom Duerr, Chris Hopmann and Phil Bath end at the conclusion of the 2022 annual meeting. My term and that of Rob expire at the conclusion of the annual meeting in 2023.


Tom and Chris have agreed to stand for re-election for another two (2) year term. Phil has elected not to run again. Phil will continue to serve with me on the exterior construction work committee until that project is complete. Phil will also work with me on grounds and irrigation issues.


If you are not a Board member and are interested in standing for election to the Board please let me know by reply to this email. The three (3) individuals who receive the highest vote count will be elected.  In the reply please state your career background, your goals in service to the Board and community; and, the area of the Boards business in which you would like to work. The reply will be distributed to the owners and your name included on the Proxy.


Given the distribution logistics for the annual meeting material in order to be on the proxy I must be in receipt of you reply not later than September  5, 2022. If I do not receive your reply by the 5th your name will not be on the Proxy.


Thank you,


As President

Water Aerobics Pictures – Can you spot Charlie?

Water Aerobics #1

Water Aerobics #2

Water Aerobics #3


Pictures are loaded in the Gallery.

HLV Grounds and Work Schedule

HLV Owners: Starwood’s morning start time in HLV is consistent with that at which it starts work in the Reserve. As the relationship progresses we will get regular service days each week.

Following is the work you can expect to see in the next four weeks. The timing is of course is subject to change as a result of weather conditions:

  1. turf fertilization and chemical weed control application. Weed control will be a perpetual problem. The turf weeds and torpedo grass took years to establish, weren’t effectively treated, and will require years to control. Given the weed density once control is established there may be bare spots in the turf we will have to deal with. Torpedo grass is very invasive and will continue to spread. The preferred chemical treatment, Drive, will not kill Torpedo grass and at best may only control its spread;
  2. palm trimming, front and rear, and Pindos;
  3. plant material trimming in common areas and confederate jasmine around front lamp posts;
  4. Original foundational plant material trimming in front and rear courtyards and Youpon hollies in beds in front and rear courtyards. To avoid confusion the trimming will not include ornamentals planted by owners; and,
  5. repair of tire rut damage to turf between 253 and 229 HLC.
  6. Clean up around the mailbox posts,  sign posts and base of live oaks.

The plant material pruning/trimming pattern in the past has not been good and has caused the material to be of odd configurations after trimming which may, or may not, be capable of correction. Additionally, the placement and types of plant material are not the best. In many areas the wrong plant was installed.

The common area plantings are being looked at as a part of a plan to deal with the junipers and layout of the beds between the front of walls and curbs. More on that later.

The Board has approved the following work not included in the Starwood base contract price:

  1. landscape fabric and rip rap in bare areas on either side of the walkway to Gazebo to stabilize the bank;
  2. planting oriental jasmine 2’ on center in the beds between the front courtyard walls and curbs at: 285, 421, 431, 443 and 529 HLC. The damage to the Jasmine bed at 453 HLC will be repaired at the time of the other plantings at the owners expense.
  3.  replacing dead yaupon hollies with 7 gallon yaupon plants between the driveways at: 8/17 CC, 2; and, 333/343 HLC, 1; 381/393 HLC, 5; 475/479 HLC, 2; 487/493 HLC, 7; 621/627 HLC, 1; 209/215 HLC, 1; and,223/229.

We may add more jasmine and/or hollies depending on deterioration in other beds between now and planting time; and,

  1. sodding the areas left bare by the stump grinding at the time the maples were cut down around the lake.
  2. we anticipate ordering a back up irrigation controller. We are waiting for a price. The Board felt it prudent given the supply chain issues and the complex programming required to have a back up on hand. We have a back up pump which was tested last winter.

We also have a back up pool pump.

The rip rap work will occur when the schedule permits. The sod will be laid and the plantings referenced at 8 and 9 will occur in early to mid September as it puts too much stress on new plant material to plant during the heat of July and August. Additionally, material obtained from the wholesaler during that time may not be as fresh.

Finally, as a reminder, all areas outside the walls are common areas and as such owners are not permitted to plant anything without Board approval on the basis of an Exterior Work Request form. The form is available on the website. Work done without approval is subject to removal at the owner’s expense.

If you have questions please call Bruce.

The Board of Directors.


H06 Condo Insurance Loss Assessment Limits

A message from Wayne Trent concerning H06 Condo Insurance Loss Assessment Limits

I would like to follow-up with just a little more information for our residents concerning their individual HO-6 insurance coverage.

Coverage D—Loss Assessment pertains to the HOA having sustained a covered loss for which there is not enough coverage or funds to offset the loss or perhaps the accompanying deductible. In this rare  case, the board would have to turn to the owners and assess them for making up the difference. Coverage D —Loss Assessment is just for this situation, albeit a remote one.

I encourage all the residents to look at their own policies and examine the limit they are carrying for loss assessment. In my opinion, it should be $10,000 or more. This is a relatively inexpensive coverage. I personally carry $25,000 as a limit.

There’s lots of information online to educate anyone on how Loss Assessment works in condo situations.

Also—-just to be clear, this has nothing to do with the roof assessments we are having now that relate to MAINTENANCE, and not insurance loss.

Thanks for getting the word out to our neighbors.

Wayne Trent

Volunteers Needed to Support Amenity Center Storm Preparedness- Update

Thank you to Melissa Pennamped and Rich Tomchik for volunteering for this project.  As we head into hurricane season, anyone else who could help would be greatly appreciated.

HLV Board of Directors


The HLV Emergency Operations Plan has been updated on the Resources tab to address the need to protect the newly acquired Amenity Center pool furniture.  Charlie Enxuto has identified a configuration plan that allows us to store all the furniture within the Amenity Center’s rooms.  We need volunteers that would be responsible for moving this furniture in case of a storm.  Please contact a HLV board member, if you would like to help.

HLV Board of Directors

HLV Amenity Center Storm Plan

In preparedness for a predicted hurricane or major storm, we need to protect the newly acquired Pool furniture by moving them into the Amenities Center.

A committee of volunteers will need to:

  1. Move all chairs (20) inside the Exercise Room.
    1. Move the Rowing Machine to the north wall
    2. Place the chairs along the wall facing the pool
  2. Move the three Tables into the Exercise Room.
  3. Stack the eight Lounges in the men’s room.
  4. Move the older chairs to men’s room along with snack tables.
  5. Move the older table at the lake gazebo to the ladies’ room or upside down into pool.
  6. Remove the wall clock outside the Amenity Center and place inside the Exercise Room.




Save the Date: HLV Annual Homeowners Meeting October 27, 2022


The HLV Annual Homeowners Meeting has been set for Thursday, October 27th.  We will be returning to the LBTS’ Beach Club House.  The meeting will start at 3PM with dinner and social after.  The agenda will be provided later as details are worked out.

HLV Board of Directors




Commencing in late October, or early November, 2022 the 2nd phase of the plan presented to the Owners on July 14, 2021 and subsequently adopted by the Board will begin. The 2021 Notice is available on the HLV website under the “Resources” tab. A copy of this Notice is posted on the HLV website.

In 2021 work on 10 buildings was completed. The work on 333/343 and 613/627 HLC was done, with the exception of trim and flashing repair and replacement on 333/343, prior to the 2021 special assessment. The cost of the roof and flashing work for those buildings was paid from the HOAs then existing reserves. The cost of the trim and flashing repair and replacement done in 2022 at 333/343 HLC was paid from the proceeds of the special assessment.

It is contemplated 8 buildings will be included in the 2022 work, namely: 11/15, 23/27, 35/39 and 36/42 CC, and 421/431, 443/453, 529/541 and 579/593 HLC. The schedule will be determined closer to the start date. Owners will be notified by email and mail at the last address in the HLV Directory once the schedule has been established. Owners must confirm the Directory email and mail addresses are correct.

Chimney stabilization and bracing repairs were made in 2022. Payment of the cost, $12,790.24, was made from the Temporary Roof Reserve.

In 2022 an “eyebrow” destroyed by water penetration rot as the result of improper flashing and trim work on the rear of 36 CC was removed and completely rebuilt at a cost of $500.00 which was paid from the Temporary Roof Reserve.

In 2022 interior repair and painting bills as a result of leaks predating 2021 totaling $180.00 were paid from operating cash. As of the date of this Notice another bill has been presented for $180.00 which will also be paid from the operating cash.

The work to be done in 2022 will generally be of the same scope as that which occurred in 2021; and, in the case of chimney work to other homes in the same fashion as that which was done earlier his year.

If you have a solar tube and wish to have it removed and the opening roofed over please notify Phil or Bruce by email not later than October 1, 2022. The tube will be removed at no charge for the roof work and exterior work. The Owner is responsible for all interior work.

Depending on the start date it is anticipated work will be concluded by Thanksgiving, but depending on weather it may extend beyond that date. Two buildings will be in progress at the same time.

If the proceeds of the 2022 special assessment are insufficient to do all homes identified the Board will select the home(s) to be carried over into the next work season.

MD Roofing is the contractor. Copies of the contracts will be made available at the Amenity Center for review. The Board asks that the Owners recognize these documents are proprietary to our community. Disclosure of the terms or contents to 3rd parties may impact future pricing and performance. Please keep the terms and contents confidential. Of course, if you have questions please speak to Bruce or Phil.

Assuming 8 buildings are completed this year we will have done the work at 18 of 26 buildings. The Amenity Center is not included in the total of 26 and will be done as well. The Board anticipates, after the 2022 special assessment, 1 or 2 more consecutive special assessments will be required to complete this project. Future assessment amounts are speculative and cannot be calculated at this time. All special assessments, including 2022, are project specific based on the cost of the work. Each assessment may and probably will be, more or less than the others. 120 days’ notice will be given to the owners of the remaining assessment(s) once set.

The 2022 special assessment total is: $323,400.00. The Master Deed requires separate and lesser assessment charges for one car garage homes. The 2022 special assessments are: $4,975.00 for one car garage homes and $6,219.00 for two car garage homes. Coupons will be sent directly by Associa by mail and email closer to the due date. Payment is due by October 1, 2022. Please be courteous to your neighbors and pay by the due date. Associa will not draft special assessment payments from your bank account. Hence, you must either mail a check, drop a check off at Associa or pay by credit card. If you pay by credit card the fee is payable to Associa and not HLV.

There is no grace period. If payment is not received on or before the due date there is a $25.00 late fee payable to HLV and a $15.00 late fee payable to Associa. The latter is Associa’s requirement and no part is paid to HLV. The fees continue on each month the payment, and late fees if any, are not made in full.

Payments will be deposited into the temporary roof reserve account established in January, 2021. Activity in that account is reflected in the financial statements. The account is restricted and may only be used for construction related to the roofs. Payments from the account require the consent of 3 of the 5 Board members.

HLV HOA 2022 Insurance

Hello everyone, the HOA is just in the process of writing checks for the annual insurance costs for the policies that cover the assets and activities of the community. Again, this year the assessment was within a couple of thousand dollars for the policies in an “as usual” mode. The assessment was a little higher than the cost “as usual”. However, the insurance market changed dramatically this year. 

The market this year dropped blanket coverages. Each building, in the event of an occurrence, now stands alone. The named storm deductible of our 1% has disappeared. The best we could get was a 2% deductible. Construction costs have risen dramatically in the last year. This results in us taking a higher level of core insurance to cover replacement costs in today’s environment. In the past we had blanket coverage and we took a core insurance amount for property that was 85% of the appraisal replacement cost of 2020, knowing that our policy allowed us to purchase an additional 15% if an event occurred. 

To meet the requirement in the master deed and because of the loss of the blanket coverage the board has insured the property of the HOA at the 2020 full appraisal cost (as required) and kept the option of purchasing 15% more coverage of an asset, if needed. As an example, a 2 car garage building increased in insurance coverage for replacement cost from $797,000 plus 15% ($916,000) to a total insured value of $1,055,000 with the additional 15% buy in.

The resulting costs for the HLV is we utilized the extra $3,000 of the assessment collected and also used $8,800 of the insurance deductible saving account. Our annual claim free rebate from the insurance broker will replenish about $4,800 back to this account when received in June.

In speaking with 3 different insurance broker contacts of mine all agreed that this is not just a one-year issue. We are in a insurance cycle that will last a few years, as it has in the past cycles. Everyone is forewarned.

Again this year Wayne Trent was a huge help to myself and the board. We are so thankful for his knowledge and thinking on these matters. Thank you Wayne.

If you have any questions just reach out to me.

