Commencing in late October, or early November, 2022 the 2nd phase of the plan presented to the Owners on July 14, 2021 and subsequently adopted by the Board will begin. The 2021 Notice is available on the HLV website under the “Resources” tab. A copy of this Notice is posted on the HLV website.

In 2021 work on 10 buildings was completed. The work on 333/343 and 613/627 HLC was done, with the exception of trim and flashing repair and replacement on 333/343, prior to the 2021 special assessment. The cost of the roof and flashing work for those buildings was paid from the HOAs then existing reserves. The cost of the trim and flashing repair and replacement done in 2022 at 333/343 HLC was paid from the proceeds of the special assessment.

It is contemplated 8 buildings will be included in the 2022 work, namely: 11/15, 23/27, 35/39 and 36/42 CC, and 421/431, 443/453, 529/541 and 579/593 HLC. The schedule will be determined closer to the start date. Owners will be notified by email and mail at the last address in the HLV Directory once the schedule has been established. Owners must confirm the Directory email and mail addresses are correct.

Chimney stabilization and bracing repairs were made in 2022. Payment of the cost, $12,790.24, was made from the Temporary Roof Reserve.

In 2022 an “eyebrow” destroyed by water penetration rot as the result of improper flashing and trim work on the rear of 36 CC was removed and completely rebuilt at a cost of $500.00 which was paid from the Temporary Roof Reserve.

In 2022 interior repair and painting bills as a result of leaks predating 2021 totaling $180.00 were paid from operating cash. As of the date of this Notice another bill has been presented for $180.00 which will also be paid from the operating cash.

The work to be done in 2022 will generally be of the same scope as that which occurred in 2021; and, in the case of chimney work to other homes in the same fashion as that which was done earlier his year.

If you have a solar tube and wish to have it removed and the opening roofed over please notify Phil or Bruce by email not later than October 1, 2022. The tube will be removed at no charge for the roof work and exterior work. The Owner is responsible for all interior work.

Depending on the start date it is anticipated work will be concluded by Thanksgiving, but depending on weather it may extend beyond that date. Two buildings will be in progress at the same time.

If the proceeds of the 2022 special assessment are insufficient to do all homes identified the Board will select the home(s) to be carried over into the next work season.

MD Roofing is the contractor. Copies of the contracts will be made available at the Amenity Center for review. The Board asks that the Owners recognize these documents are proprietary to our community. Disclosure of the terms or contents to 3rd parties may impact future pricing and performance. Please keep the terms and contents confidential. Of course, if you have questions please speak to Bruce or Phil.

Assuming 8 buildings are completed this year we will have done the work at 18 of 26 buildings. The Amenity Center is not included in the total of 26 and will be done as well. The Board anticipates, after the 2022 special assessment, 1 or 2 more consecutive special assessments will be required to complete this project. Future assessment amounts are speculative and cannot be calculated at this time. All special assessments, including 2022, are project specific based on the cost of the work. Each assessment may and probably will be, more or less than the others. 120 days’ notice will be given to the owners of the remaining assessment(s) once set.

The 2022 special assessment total is: $323,400.00. The Master Deed requires separate and lesser assessment charges for one car garage homes. The 2022 special assessments are: $4,975.00 for one car garage homes and $6,219.00 for two car garage homes. Coupons will be sent directly by Associa by mail and email closer to the due date. Payment is due by October 1, 2022. Please be courteous to your neighbors and pay by the due date. Associa will not draft special assessment payments from your bank account. Hence, you must either mail a check, drop a check off at Associa or pay by credit card. If you pay by credit card the fee is payable to Associa and not HLV.

There is no grace period. If payment is not received on or before the due date there is a $25.00 late fee payable to HLV and a $15.00 late fee payable to Associa. The latter is Associa’s requirement and no part is paid to HLV. The fees continue on each month the payment, and late fees if any, are not made in full.

Payments will be deposited into the temporary roof reserve account established in January, 2021. Activity in that account is reflected in the financial statements. The account is restricted and may only be used for construction related to the roofs. Payments from the account require the consent of 3 of the 5 Board members.

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