Thank you to Guy Marier & Gus Bateas for completing downspout update


Guy Marier and Gus Bateas completed a project to extend the rear courtyard downspouts to help control erosion at the foundation.

Guy and his brother-in-law spent last Wednesday installing 14  flexdiverters where it was required.

Please thank these guys when you see them!

Letter from Anne Marie Hoyle Concerning Upcoming Reserve HOA Board Meeting

Below is an email sent to Harriette Fogarty concerning a dog incident in the The Reserve.  The Reserve HOA board meeting is Monday Jan. 9th at 10AM at the Litchfield Country Club with this issue being an agenda item.

This email is provided as an FYI to our community.





This is a copy of the letter Kimberley has sent to both Board and Waccamaw to be put on their agenda (expectation by us – decision making), for upcoming Board meeting – Held at Litchfield Country Club, Monday Jan 9th, 10am. All Board Meetings are open for anyone to attend.

Harriette, please feel free to share this with anyone in Huntington Lakes or beyond who might have an interest in this neighborhood happening. This is Not the 1st of such and unless enforcement of Rules and Covenants is applied, it will most likely Not be the last


Sent from my iPadBegin

Subject: Fwd: email to HOA

Begin forwarded message:

To the HOA Board of Directors, The Reserve Community Pawleys a island, SC

I am the adult daughter of Anne Marie and Bill Hoyle and on Christmas Day at approximately 11:00 am my leashed and harnessed 8 year old golden retriever Hachi, was attacked by Walter Braecht’s Pit Bull. This took place on Preservation Circle, as We were walking on the other side of the street and we were at least one house away from the yard of the owner when he and his unleashed dog exited the vehicle in their yard.**  The dog saw us and immediately charged at us**. When it arrived to where we were located it attacked my dog. The owner had no voice control nor physical restraint over his dog. When he finally arrived at the scene of the attack, he was unable to gain control over his dog until there was significant physical damage done to my golden retriever. Finally, in the end, Mr. Braecht laid down on top his dog and “”commanded us to leave the scene of the attack””! Hachi was left unable to walk and I was left in a position to try and carry his 75 pound body the short distance I could to distance us from where the owner laid with his dog. Sadly, the distance wasn’t great and we were stranded, not far enough to be safe, and nowhere near my family’s home on Bald Cypress Court.  If not for the kindness of Brad and Dawn Harvey,  who stopped for us (total strangers)  on Christmas Day, I don’t know how or if we would have escaped without more injuries. Brad carried Hachi into his vehicle and drove  us home while his wife helped Mr. Braecht retrieve a leash in the house for his dog!!. We spent the rest of our Christmas at the emergency vet in Myrtle Beach and then left at 5pm, upon our return to my parents home to drive 6 hours back to our home in Atlanta so Hachi could be seen by his own veterinarian.

My dog sustained more than 16 puncture wounds with extensive bites to his ears, neck, shoulder and front leg. He was unable to walk after the attack to his left front leg. I was bitten on my right hand by Mr. Braecht’s dog during the attack and the bite penetrated my skin. Hachi has been on medications for his wounds and has been restricted from activity while he heals. The pictures attached were taken days after the attack and do not reflect all of the injuries Hachi sustained.

There is absolutely no excuse for what occurred. I have filed a police report with Georgetown County and we have filed a report with DHEC as well. And now the HOA has been provided notice both by my parents/ the home owners, and by me. This was a severe attack which must be addressed by the HOA in addition to whatever may happen with Georgetown County or within a court of law. There is no longer a question of whether this dog is under its owners control; it is not. Nor is there any question about whether the dog is aggressive; it is. The dog attacked an 8 year old golden retriever who was leashed and harnessed, across the street and one property away, and without any verbal exchange with the owner such as “Merry Christmas” to solicit the attention of this Pit Bull. It simply charged at us with the owner screaming “she’s friendly” and the dog then proceeded to attack Hachi.

The attack Hachi and I endured on Christmas Day is an opportunity, borne at our physical expense, for the HOA to make meaningful changes that will protect its community and their guests. I trust it will not be in vain!

Coastal Asphalt Postponed for Tomorrow, the 5th, due to rain


The crack filling by Coastal Asphalt scheduled for tomorrow, has be cancelled due to the rain.  Coastal Asphalt is concerned the cracks will retain today’s rain and not let the fill material bond to the roadway.

Sorry for any inconvenience

Coastal Asphalt rescheduled for January 5th.



Coastal Asphalt will be in the community on January 5th filling the cracks in the roadbed.  Please do not park on the street that day.


Thank You

Exterior Construction Project December Update Continued

Please see the photos below for the damage on the last building this year.


HLV 2022 Christmas Tree Lighting Pictures

The Gallery was updated with pictures from the HLV Christmas Tree Lighting.  Thanks to Carolyn Montagne for providing the pictures.  Again, thank you for everyone who made this event such a success.

Go to the HLV Website to see the work that was completed by the HLV Elfs!


Exterior Construction Project Nov. 2022 Update Continued

Hello: the work on 5 homes is substantially completed and we are close on the 6th. We expect to finish the remaining 2 by the end of the first week in December, weather permitting. Work will continue  on punch list items and painting.

There were shingle building material cost increases passed through by the contractor to HLV. The contract price per building was $40,425.00.The pass through was $2,800.00 per building. The final per building contract price is $43,225.00, a 6.9% increase.

Replacement roof sheathing is an add on to the contract price computed on the number of 4′ x 8″ sheets used at $100.00 per. On the CC buildings and first 2 HLC buildings we used 19 sheets as the roofs were in such bad condition.

We are removing all rain diverters as they back up water and cause rot and leaks.

Included with this email are photos showing some, but not all, of the rot in the buildings finished thus far and the rot caused by a rain diverter..

After the 1st of the year and once all buildings are completed we will send Tom’s roll forward analysis showing exactly how  the proceeds of the 2nd special assessment and $35,000.00 annual Temporary Roof Reserve contributions were spent.

The Board.


Exterior Construction Project Nov. 2022 Update

Hello, as was said at the annual meeting this years exterior construction project brought another challenge to the table, that being the condition of the exterior of the chimneys. The problems are generally depicted in the photos below.

Last year we braced the interior of those chimneys with excessive sway. That contract did not include exterior repairs except those necessary if a chimney had to be opened up for access needed for the bracing work.

As part of this years work we had the exterior of all the chimneys inspected for trim and siding rot, failed caulking and the like. Obviously, we must address the rot and decay on the outside of the chimneys. If we do nothing the rot and decay will get worse and, as it did to 6 houses during Ian, allow water penetration into the interior of our homes. We have contracted to replace or repair the trim corner boards and any other damaged trim or siding on all of the chimneys. Once the replacement and repair work is done the chimneys will be caulked and painted on all sides. The trim and the siding material we are using will not rot. The material is the same as that used on the houses done thus far on which we removed the existing trim to deal with flashing and roof rot. The caulk has a high elasticity which is designed to better adhere during expansion and contraction. The goal is to have all buildings completed this year except:: a.) those scheduled to have work done next Fall which the contractor believes we can put off for a year; and, 2.) the Simpson/Echols homes, which, given the chimney condition, we had to repair now even though the exterior of the roofing system of those homes will not be worked on until next year.

This expense was not included in the 2nd assessment. We have enough remaining from the $35K per year annual contribution to the temporary roof reserve to cover this years cost but we may be short on the rest of the exterior construction work bills as we would have paid overages from that money. More on that subject in a subsequent communication. If we are short we have no option but to draw down the major repair and replacement reserve. If a draw down occurs we will replenish the account to its current level with next years assessment.

The Board



HLV ELFS Hard At Work, Thank You

Pictures are posted in the Gallery section also

Thank You HLV from Barbara Kelliher for supporting Susie Swift

Dear Neighbors,

A heartfelt thank you to all who generously contributed to Susie’s cause. Thru the efforts of our community and  others, we have raised almost $10,000.00 to help Susie remain independent and working.

Needless to say, she is overwhelmed and grateful.

Wayne Trent has been car shopping with her.

Hopefully you will see Susie in the ‘hood’ in her updated wheels soon!!

Again, Many Thanks.

Barbara Kelliher

Wayne Trent

Tom Duerr