Exterior Construction Project Nov. 2022 Update

Hello, as was said at the annual meeting this years exterior construction project brought another challenge to the table, that being the condition of the exterior of the chimneys. The problems are generally depicted in the photos below.

Last year we braced the interior of those chimneys with excessive sway. That contract did not include exterior repairs except those necessary if a chimney had to be opened up for access needed for the bracing work.

As part of this years work we had the exterior of all the chimneys inspected for trim and siding rot, failed caulking and the like. Obviously, we must address the rot and decay on the outside of the chimneys. If we do nothing the rot and decay will get worse and, as it did to 6 houses during Ian, allow water penetration into the interior of our homes. We have contracted to replace or repair the trim corner boards and any other damaged trim or siding on all of the chimneys. Once the replacement and repair work is done the chimneys will be caulked and painted on all sides. The trim and the siding material we are using will not rot. The material is the same as that used on the houses done thus far on which we removed the existing trim to deal with flashing and roof rot. The caulk has a high elasticity which is designed to better adhere during expansion and contraction. The goal is to have all buildings completed this year except:: a.) those scheduled to have work done next Fall which the contractor believes we can put off for a year; and, 2.) the Simpson/Echols homes, which, given the chimney condition, we had to repair now even though the exterior of the roofing system of those homes will not be worked on until next year.

This expense was not included in the 2nd assessment. We have enough remaining from the $35K per year annual contribution to the temporary roof reserve to cover this years cost but we may be short on the rest of the exterior construction work bills as we would have paid overages from that money. More on that subject in a subsequent communication. If we are short we have no option but to draw down the major repair and replacement reserve. If a draw down occurs we will replenish the account to its current level with next years assessment.

The Board



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