Exterior Construction Project Nov. 2022 Update Continued

Hello: the work on 5 homes is substantially completed and we are close on the 6th. We expect to finish the remaining 2 by the end of the first week in December, weather permitting. Work will continue  on punch list items and painting.

There were shingle building material cost increases passed through by the contractor to HLV. The contract price per building was $40,425.00.The pass through was $2,800.00 per building. The final per building contract price is $43,225.00, a 6.9% increase.

Replacement roof sheathing is an add on to the contract price computed on the number of 4′ x 8″ sheets used at $100.00 per. On the CC buildings and first 2 HLC buildings we used 19 sheets as the roofs were in such bad condition.

We are removing all rain diverters as they back up water and cause rot and leaks.

Included with this email are photos showing some, but not all, of the rot in the buildings finished thus far and the rot caused by a rain diverter..

After the 1st of the year and once all buildings are completed we will send Tom’s roll forward analysis showing exactly how  the proceeds of the 2nd special assessment and $35,000.00 annual Temporary Roof Reserve contributions were spent.

The Board.


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